It will take only a couple of days for you to have the perfect and up-to-date capsule
wardrobe where the essential items prevail and everything combines with each other.
I will create for you a stylish and versatile wardrobe for every occasion.

Here's how it may be done
Closet Check
We meet at the agreed time in your apartment/house and sort out all your items: we get rid of out-of-date pieces, the ones that don't fit and those you never wear. We create outfits, make photos for you and compile a shopping list.

4-5 hours, 500 €
You fill out a form with all the needed information (your measurements, desired image, lifestyle, hobbies, etc.), think of your shopping budget and together we go to one of the department stores to create your capsule wardrobe considering your needs.

4 hours, 500 €
Bespoke shopping
You fill out a detailed form, and I analyse current collections in stores online and offline. All the items will be selected for you in changing rooms before your arrival. The items we couldn't find we will order online.

4 hours, 800 €
What about shopping budget?
You determine your budget and I take it into consideration when choosing stores and brands where our shopping takes place. You can also give a me list of brands you prefer and I will name you an approximate budget for them. I will help you use your money rationally and choose quality brands with the best prices.
What brands do I work with?
Most of time I work with premium and luxury brands but I may offer my clients some interesting options in niche and less popular brands. When necessary we can find some particular items in mass market. I believe in mixing brands to achieve the best result.
What can I help you with?
Some clients don't want to spend time on shopping; some know how they want to look but no idea where to buy those things. Some spend too much on shopping and still are not satisfied with the result. Some are scared to try something new, some want to buy more expensive items but have no idea which ones are worth the money. That's what you can trust me with. The final decision is always yours though.
What do I take into consideration?
I work with your resources: complexion, colours, character, hobbies, shopping budget, desired image. Its important for me how you spend your day: sitting in an office long hours or running on a playground with kids. I want you to look good, feel confident with your image without spending long hours picking an outfit. Everyday I spend a lot of time analysing the market, current collections, trends, prices to offer you all the best options.
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